Own land? Have a lot in mind? Want help finding a home site?
Contact us about land you’d like to build on across 12 counties in central NC
Stay involved and informed as we build your custom home on your lot or ours:
- On site meetings with the builder
- Selection design sessions
- An interactive online portal with everything happening in your home (including allowance expenditures)
We can build your custom home in communities and countryside locations where you can “bring your own builder” with:
- Help finding a floor plan that can meet your needs and budget
- Modifying existing plans with customizations from our in-house design team
- Builder assessment of your land, with allowances specific to your homesite
- Scope of work spec package quote, with in-depth details about materials, processes and flexibility
Build your custom home on land we already own in wonderful settings and prime locations, like Pittsboro’s new Fox Oak neighborhood and Chatham County countryside opportunities you see here.

Contact us to find out what it takes to build your new home on your lot or ours.
Contact us to tour a Travars Built Home
Build your custom home on your lot
See more available homes and land
Explore Fox Oak custom home neighborhood
We work with you to build your home the way you want it in Fox Oak, other available homes and land or on your lot in Pittsboro, Chatham County and surrounding regions extending into Alamance, Durham, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Randolph, and Wake counties.