Travars Built Homes offers choices for your custom home financing.
Custom homes built on your lot require construction to perm financing. Our Preferred Lenders offer competitive rates and a variety of programs for you to choose from, including:
- One or two time close options
- Low down payments
- And interest only payments during the construction phase
If you already own a lot, your lender will talk with you about how that can impact your construction loan.
If you are purchasing a lot for your home, the lender will talk with you about options, including wrapping the lot purchase into the construction to perm loan, with one transaction going forward.
And our three-step pre-build process enables you to know important information about land you are considering purchasing, and how site specific requirements can impact your bottom line.
Contact us for more details about your down payment, the lending process, custom home financing, and building on your lot:

Based in Chatham County, North Carolina Travars Built Homes builders bring decades of award winning experience to custom home building. Learn what TBH has to offer, including direct communication with your builder team, pricing reliability, and third party certified energy efficiency.