Building a custom home is very different from purchasing a new or existing home. You often won’t find set pricing online because custom home builders need to know a few details to provide a quote you can count on.
Here are the 5 easy steps we walk through with you, so you can get a personalized custom home quote with 10 pages of details.
Step 1: Call Travars Built Homes at 919-740-7536. We can cover a lot about what you’d like to do in a ten minute conversation. And check here for quick answers to common custom home building questions.

Step 2: Email. Send the names of floor plans you’re interested in knowing more about. Need ideas? Request house plans, here.
If you own a lot, send the address, plot plan, soil determinations, improvement permits, community covenants and anything else that can help us provide you with the most precise information possible.
Step 3: Come to your 30 minute no obligation custom home consultation. We’ll go over the details in your 10 page custom home pricing quote. Take it home. Make notes on the things you’d like to consider changing, such as floor plan modifications. Email your questions so we can provide even more information.

Step 4: Meet with Travars Built Homes at your lot for your free onsite lot assessment, where you’ll learn what it takes to build at your homesite. Find out about everything about your location that impacts build costs – before you sign your purchase agreement. Still looking for the right lot? We can help with your search, too.
Step 5: Read more about what makes Travars Built Homes unique, and meet one more time to go over the details in your final quote for the floor plan you want to build. We can cover any modifications discussed at your initial custom home consultation, and site work specific to your homesite. Your build costs are locked in with your purchase agreement!